the light grows dim
as if tomorrow and yesterday
are fused together
indecision tarries there
the saints and sinners
clasp hands
in a union that is too little
and far too late
the answers are faded
platitudes and the questions remain
a solitary plight rocks the nation
and the ripples reach far
into other lands
the vested fools know nothing
and the unblemished
never had a chance
And so the river rages
While the wind and the rain; tear at each other’s throats
In the end we’ll all be
Swept away
And when the waters recede
They’ll survey the changed terrain
and the finger pointing
will start
by Mary Margaret Park
Pure laughter
Full of innocence
Ringing with
…remembered possibility
Unfettered; our hearts soar
…with simplicities promise
Secure; in the knowledge
That hope, is real