Gamma 156

Phi 16

Paul Blenkhorn is a Manchester (UK) based artist who has been working in the field of sensory stimulation since the 1980’s. Much of his work has been in developing computer-based systems to visually attract/interact with profoundly disabled children. He has a long history of developing programs/art to help the handicapped, especially children with stimulatory or visual issues.
“My work in sensory stimulation started in the 1980’s when I was a Research Fellow at the Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped where I worked with many schools and hospitals to explore how we could stimulate profoundly disabled children (with a visual impairment) using images and animations on a computer screen.The results were sometimes remarkable and I have continued this work ever since." www.sensoryapphouse.com

Tides of Time Poem
by Mary Margaret Park
the tide
whispers and glides upon the shore
edged in antique lace
whisper and glide
whispered tides
carried away by memories
we are the gate’s keepers
the trailblazers of each moment
mentoring the next generation
and so another day passes
another’s days passage
carried away by the memories
we are the promise keepers
the last hurrah of a family legacy
remembering our loved ones
brother, father, and sister
friend lover minister
carried away by the memories
we’ve witnessed era’s end
our notions fall
like autumn leaves
the season is changing
seasons forever changed
carried away by memories
The Twilight Hours
by Mary Margaret Park

In the twilight hours
Of an unmeasured day
She struggles
Against the hollow tide
That beats her heart
In a melancholy riptide
Of soulless sadness
A beauty as real and fleeting
As phosphorescence
At this moment
Yet fragile
A lace curtain
By the wind
This buried treasure
Graces her halls
Like liquid gold
Through her soul
Never captured
It soars
Over the horizon