Back Alley's Poem
Updated: Nov 30, 2020
Back Alleys Poem
by Mary Margaret Park
back alleys
like dirty secrets
hidden from view
rolled in burnt coal
and Blackened soot
the narrows
where backwater sheds
don tar paper roofs
and depression era houses
grow skeletal with age
the gallows
in poverty and rage
city canals
the water’s edge
a grey soup of wet newspaper
tangled with rusted steel
and shattered glass
a wasteland of broken promises
and forgotten memories
like beggars
on a city street
boarded up houses and vacant lots
sputter and pause into industrial districts
here, rail yards reign in a grey rage
littered with boxcars
exclaiming, R.I.P. Mikey
Cassie’s Carl
dope sick sucks
societies cast offs
culture shocked casualties
their voices silenced by another man’s rage
The hallows
corridors into the past

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