Mary Margaret Park
a lane into oblivion
a grey picture scape
where moon beams
splinter the darkness
they speak of empty spaces
cold and barren
I’ve traveled there
thrust forward in an endless charcoal blur
where only the darkest shadows
offer definition
and what lies beneath them holds a bitter rage
Within a forest of sorrow and pain
I’ve seen answers
cloaked in a stark and troubled sway
the flame clasped gutters
in the bitterest of winds
I’ve clutched the light
fearful that it would be extinguished
and then it steadied in my hands
my heart was heavy
surely the flames macabre
dance was more than I could bear
I saw him peering through the darkness
and I stepped forward
A carefully refined image
snapshots, a mirror of still images
images in nature
surface reflections on a still lake
illusions of calm
that belie the deeper undercurrents beneath
the beauty of light dancing forms
a visual image
defined in a moment of time, those seconds a reason for living.
a fleeting moment of wonder and grace
in contradiction of the senses
superficial impressions
become favoured fallacies
initial impressions have no gauge in familiarity
the degree we engage one another is tempered by the unknown
Hesitation’s folly is in its measure
yet Its protections advise caution
misinterpretations lead
too/down other roads…
layers of complexity and depth
go un-noticed
or significant?