Indelible Ink's Empress
Pondering Pilots
jump through the air
never happy but full of despair
why so much misery in the air?
Signs of the times
pondering rhymes
or absence of honour
the "others" think fine
Truth is no joke
but a necessity you sea
Even a blind man's sight
is better than what's seen
To feel is to know another man's plight
Perhaps that of societies faltering sight?
There are no 'tokens' for Grace
The man with no honour
is a tragic disgrace
The mirror reflects the truth on his face
A damsel in distress
calls for a true man of honour
Where have they gone?
Kidnapped by dis-trust?
or held down by cruel people who
view truth with disgust?
What will we do
when the US drops back
into a cesspool that preaches "distract"?
How do we address domestic matters
at hand?
If corruption has come to rule and demand?
How do we affect change in a positive
If our choices are engendered by corporate agendas that claim their omissions
aren't infractions but wyndoms?
Where do we turn when debauchery
rules their call?
Stockbrokers $ is the economies fall
Shell corporations a 'fools' crystal stall
When in truth Labour markets depend on us all
Open your eyes
the shallows aren't roofs
but mirrored distortions
that belie 'copper' cherry roots
Where do we turn to find justice for all?
Not to the 'great' halls of hypocrisy's
masquerading their riches for stolen
The answerts we seek lie in truth's
of real time
'Misery's' misfortunes a totalitarian state need not determine our community's fate
Look all around you
rule out no one's life story or plight
Lift up the hurt and oppressed
'Soothsayers' of lies blight truth
Their landfalls of treason are killing our youth
We must take a stand against abuses
of power
Unite and insist on principles of honour
A bell tolls
at Atoll sounds
The Prince of Tides
opens hearts and minds
the truest prints are pressed
indelible inks empress
genuine impressions
Veracity seas true