This urban child's mettle
has farmer's hands and Scruples too
'Fore' public Safety's measure
does NOT preclude
A Fire Escape
Hospitality includes a 'metol' T-square 'fore' two
From clove's to hooves
a ripe Reply
The Evenstar shines
from darkest nights
From 'dew' filled skies
the beggar cried
His greenest grass
an Earthen bride
Her thirst denied
Her truth's denied
She nearly died
The oldest spark
the deadest flame
declined; t'was another's
the times
The menace of men 'lies' within
their Accords; 'folly's' whim
The Ladies of the NILE have no 'measure'
Mother Nature's truest treasure(s)
Beauty in motion; are/our spirits unfettered
Creative 'sparks' rise and fall
The winds of change remain
for all
to rest in PEACE, time honors' pause
An Earthen bride so scorned
Has no sorrow for mortal men
Yet, endless are her tears
that herald far beyond
Epochs' countless years
"Nul et non avenu"