by M. Park, Et. al.
The Center Rolls/Rose in 'Old-Man's' Prose
the center rolls/rose
To fall from Grace
a man's disgrace who doesn't know
his official place
Denies all grace
to Another's race
The Corporate hijackers try to hide
the peoples' truths' behind their lies
Their dead eyes cannot hide
behind the widows veil
The People's innocence resides beyond the pall
A race track grifter's approach and style
leans on a country's truths' denied
Especially when dressed in
'Official Smiles'
These 'clever' classes, steal our glasses
Don stolen coats as treasure
to trick and trap
has no yield to measure
Cloaked in white collars' of corporate/government's
perversions used to steal another's treasures
'Fore Your Pleasure'
Retail Chain Stores
aren't chains stored for retail
Just as goods sold to consumers
aren't consumers sold as goods
A Junk Bond's truest 'steal'
Fools dressed up in tailor made treachery
Promoted Pa'onzi Schemes
Are Danger shelled in Shell Games
Their trickery traps in hidden 'contracts'
The 'fools' of trade betray their 'change'
in hidden 'exchange' for purchases repurposed
As if mazes to confuse were essential
for clarity's windows
The masses no more than chattel to betray
as if their tools weren't human made
Like olden day trappers hidden snares
to kill and sell what is rare
Ebony and Ivory poached like Pelts
Trapper's who Vulture
are no one's friend
They circle the living to rob the dead
Like Corporate Lawyers use paper hangers
then lie in wait or approach unknown for
delivery of unasked for 'information'
their offers are no favor, just fish hooks
cloaked in 'presumptions' flavor
Their triangulation's predicted long ago
Kennedy's assassination wears their clothes
They flash mob and surround in multiple degrees
Hack phone lines, computers, and lame brain for illegal leads
Their low blows have no bounds, they'll even
use unqualified company doctors on their rounds
To pry and depose on illegal grounds
Their Modus Operandi to slander and liable
with Malice of Forethought
To Assassinate 'characters' that can't be bought
'Accidently on Purpose their foremost 'thought'
Corporate Methods endorsed by their Owners
and Executive's via CEO's so Suite-C
Their 'hired' 'hands' use 'pusher's tools',
like company metrics on high octane jet fuel
Their now known to use innocent employees
and lie to dangerous professionals
to use as their 'mules'
treacherous moves; dirty pool​
Executive's who play games with life and death
The Coward's Prize
'Suits' their pretty dress
their truest Prize
petty methods dressed as pretty
to convince 'others' that killing innocent survivors
in place of guilty Board members
and Executive C-Suite Corporate Owners
omit crucial facts paired with
manufactured 'tracks'
The innocent should not pay the price
for another's crimes who thinks
his money entitles him to molest
another's mind
Or sucker-punch a hired hand​
or blindside peoples' who don't understand​
A person who labels the innocent as
'suckers' to use as pawns
Is the Sucker
To commit baseless crimes
to cover executives established criminal acts
who come back after the fact to hide their tracks to
promote and present false truths as fact with intent and forethought
is malfeasance cloaking torturous acts
Corporate 'loss preventions' aren't disguised to deputize
They lost their Checker's Game for Gain
Cause Chinese Checkers ain't Chess
Just as numbers aren't runners
Runner's aren't numbers
Tilting tables ain't on the level
Just as fair games don't have to cheat for gain
And 'Manny' don't play games
Even a fool knows 50:50 doesn't
equal null and Void/less than Zero​