" 'Fore' Play for Pay"
Libelous set ups
A card sharps 'fool'
Tools of the trade on display
From a Black SUV
A formal (rebel) yell
not street legit
A contemptuous bitch hit
with a slanderous twist
or a hold out from hell
t'was an obvious 'Tell'
A Tail...it had that Smell
An attack; a 'put-on' an ACT
A trade secret on display
Fore-play: for pay

"Habeas Corpus"
Libelous set ups or sit ups?
Abdominal crunches for hunches-backed?
A card sharps Tool for Spool
White TIGERS rule, FOOL
Triangulate and assassinate by bullets
as a character 'disclaimers'
A 'you-wish' lawyer's paper hanger's
A Monopolist's no brainer
Back and to the left ain't funny
to many
And row's for roses, ain't circuits
for circus
Just arrogant fools with predatory
unjust purpose
Purpose isn't Porpoise
Just as Porpoise
isn't Habeas Corpus